Church members and regular attending guests sing to enhance and enrich the worship experience, not by focusing on performance but by expressing through music the variety of feelings that come in praising, honoring, serving, and loving the Lord.



The Chancel Choir leads the music for the traditional worship services on Sundays (9 a.m. services) and records hymns and anthems to share for the weekly online worship services.

The Chancel Choir rehearses weekly and sings from mid-August through May. During June, July, and August, volunteers present special music at the services. At this time, rehearsals follow appropriate COVID-19 protocols with the use of singers’ masks and physical distancing.

• Director: Francis Lupton

• Organist: Dr. Paul Krejci



The Praise Band leads the music for the contemporary worship service on Sundays, with weekly rehearsals on Thursday nights. The band also records songs to share for the online video worship services.

Vocal and instrumental musicians provide music to enhance the worship of the Praise Service throughout the entire year. The song catalog includes a variety of contemporary, gospel, and traditional selections arranged for vocalists, drums, guitar, bass guitar, cello, piano, and other instruments.

Persons interested in making music with the Praise Band or assisting with sound and video equipment are invited to contact the Praise Band Leader—we are always looking for folks who want to make joyful noise!

• Praise Band Leader: Caroline Downs


Boys and girls of ALL ages are invited to sing with the children’s choir. We meet each Sunday during Children’s Church at the 11 am worship service, where we often learn sign language in addition to the lyrics of praise songs to share with our congregation.

The children’s choir sings live during the 11 am worship service every 4-6 weeks during the school year and presents special music for the Christmas pageant each December. All children are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings!

• Director: Marion Stone


The Jubilee Bell Choir has a long tradition at Fairbanks FUMC. However, rehearsals are suspended at this time because of COVID-19 concerns.

The ringers in this choir play 61 handbells covering five octaves. Persons interested in joining the bell choir are invited to speak with the Director. Ringers do not have to know how to read music and, periodically, beginning bell classes are offered.

The Jubilee Bell Choir often plays for holiday worship services, such as Christmas and Easter, and other special occasions in the church, such as Mother’s Day.

• Director: Dianne Coursey